The settlement of Blanz, Planz, Plantz and Pflanz in the region of the Palatinate (Pfalz)
written by Alfons Pflanz, a civil servant, who lived until his death in 1958 in Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim and Friedrich Karl Blanz, Königsbach, †. Translated by Josef Plantz of Frankenthal, Germany and by Robert and Kathy Plantz of Salem/Oregon, USA.
It was an enjoyable task to discover so many people with names and to note their descentdants and their spread to different areas. In four cases in early times, date of settlement and the places they came from were found. On the other hand it is still a mystery where some progenitors came from. In the following, I want to explain the first known appearances. Regarding the spread of the families, I will recount only the main points. I must also warn the readers that research is still incomplete.
This account is a summary of the spread of Blanz, Plantz and Pflanz in the Palatinate and it tries to establish the reasons for this settlement. I write without enumerating name-lists, this would be very extensive.
The family-name Pflanz was written differently in several locations, and also differntly at different times. I found the following spellings:
Blanz Blantz Planz Plantz Pflanz Pflantz
One resaon for different spelling is carelessness in writing the documents. There are also differences in dialect. Sometimes they changed because of the development of
the German language and sometimes they wanted to standardize language (see: Planz to Pflanz which means plant(er)). Their was a rule in spelling to write a hard sound
after a consonant (Planz: Plantz). This change is seen in some documents. After the letter "n" there followed instead of a "z" a "tz" (Plantz). Only in the last hundred years,
has spelling been consistant within the same city.
The different spellings nowadays, I believe, have no importance to the over-all Blanz, Plantz, Pflantz-family. To understand the settlement of the Plantz-families in the Palatinate, I have to
explain the history of the Palatinate settlement in detail.
The Palatinate as a region of settlement
In the 30 years War(1618-1648) plundering, burning troops crossed our country(1621 the Spanish, 1622 the imperial troops, 1631 the Swedish, 1634 again the imperial troops and 1635 the French).
In addition to this the plague was raging. Obviously a big part of the population was fleeing to regions which were more peaceful than this troubled borderland the Palatinate. This cruel war decimated
60-70 % of the population in the area of today's Palatinate. Not long after, Louis XIV of France burned the Palatine cities again in the so-called "War of the Spanish Succsession" (1688). Louis' sister-in-law
was the Palatine princess Lieselotte. Within two generations you could call the Palatinate "burnt earth" and it was an area of very little population. How to rebuild after the devastation, how to improve
commerce, and how to do these without experienced people? The Palatine duke Karl Ludwig (source 1) issued a proclamation on May 5th, 1650 to the former Palatine people to come home. To accelerate the
resettlement he also invited foreign people to come to the Palatinate. There were Mennonites, persecuted in Switzerland (they came in 1671), then the Flemish and Walloons from Belgium (around 1657), both
very big settlement-groups. From France there came Huguenots (about 1665) to the protestant Palatinate. In 1665 there came Waldensians from Savoy (Italy/France) and people from the Lucernan Valley in the
Piedmond (Italy). At the end of the 17th century and beginning of the 18th century, there was a large stream to America. Thousands of Palatine immigrants founded in the colony of Pennsylvania the town Germantown
on October 6th, 1683. Today this Germantown is a suburb of Philadelphia. Many settlers joined their relatives in Philadelphia (source 6). In spite of all that emigration, the cities and villages refilled in time.
The religious edicts of duke Philipp Wilhelm (Kurfürst P.W.) from October 1685 and 11th of January 1686, which allowed Catholics and Lutherans the free practice of their religion, supported the re-settlement,
especially of single persons (source 3). It should be borne in mind that in those days the area of today's Palatinate was divided into 44 different ruling regions. The efforts in re-settlement of "Kurpfalz" were
surely repeated in the other 43 regions too. In the area of today's Palatinate, there were only 200 Palatine villages/cities in those days. They are situated in the surroundings of Ludwigshafen, Neustadt, Germersheim,
Kaiserslautern, Rockenhausen, Wolfstein and Lauterecken (source 11). We do know that in the 18th century the construction of churches and civil-buildings in the Palatinate was in full blossom. And this couldn't be
done by the original inhabitants alone. For example, the Earls of Leiningen-Westerburg sent out persons to attract settlers. To make this attractive, they promised freedom from taxes for several years. These Earls
agreed to the settlement of Baptists and Catholics too (source 10). After the Napoleonic-War (1792-1798) the old order of Feudalism was removed on the left side of the Rhine and this region now was a part of the French
Republic. By 1816, when the Palatine left side of the Rhein came to the Bavarian state, the resettlement was completed.
The fundamental settlement of single persons at the end of the 17th century and in the 18th century hasn't received enough attention by researchers. Most of these settlers came from the regions around the Alps.
These seasonal workers appeared from 1660-1750 and they mostly were specialists in construction. They didn't only appear in the Palatinate, they also settled in Holland, Mainfranken (1656-1720, 50 Tyrolen people are registered
in Mainfranken) and on the Rhine (source 4). They mostly kept their original residences and stayed only so long, as they had work in these distant cities. During a district-inspection in Oberinnthal (Tyrol) around 1670, the district
captain reported that their were 3000 manual workers in his district leaving the country in the spring and returning in autumn. They earned and brought back a considerable profit. As they married and sometimes died in the
Palatinate, the church-books report very interesting details about the origin and settlement of these persons. Ernst Drumm has published an article "The settlement of the Tyrolean manual workers at the left side of river Rhine" (source 2).
He found between 1660 and 1730, 248 Tyroleans and 60 Allgaeuer. Otto Lindemer found that in the region of the Earl of Sickingen from 1680 to 1790, 22 Tyrolese and 14 Allgaeuer migrated (source 5). Karl Kreuter discovered 26
Swiss coming to the Ludwigshafen-area between 1705 and 1748. He mentioned that at that time thousands of Swiss were registered in Palatine churchbooks. In the West-Palatinate for example, in Contwig near Zweibrücken
there are villages totally settled by Swiss immigrants. The migration of these Swiss weren't based on religious reasons, but rather were based on economic reasons (source 9). Growing industry in the 19th century again brought
thousands of persons to the Palatinate. The mass migration after World War II, brought emigrants from former East German regions to the Palatinate.
Survey about the first Plantz/Blanz...in the Palatinate and their spreading
1) Rhodt 1695
15 Apr 1695 a Hans Jakob Pflanz, protestant religion, married Anna Barbara Krieger at Rhodt. He was a son of Joerg Pflanz, citizen of Weil im Dorf near Stuttgart. These Pflanz/Blanz, mostly wine-growers, stayed in Weil the last
400 years. There is no exact current research being done. This family still resides in Rhodt. Some of the descendents, they now spell the name Pflantz, settled in Edenkoben, Ludwigshafen, Frankfurt, Iggelheim, Meckenheim.
The ancestors originally were wine-growers, but today the descendents work as clerks, post-secretaries, etc.
2) Erkelshaeuserhof near Queidersbach 1715
The couple Heinrich Plantz and Anna Sybilla "ex silvis in Hergelshausen" (Erkelshaeuserhof) baptized two children in Horbach.(church-books Bann-Queidersbach, catholic religion)
additional research results by Josef Plantz, May 2002:
"Heinrich Plantz was a charcoal burner and his wife Anna Sybilla, born Eyer, came from Hirschhorn (North-Palatinate).
Their children:
Christine | bapticed | about 1715 |
Anna Margaretha | bapticed | about 1716 |
Johann Jakob | baptized | 25 Mar 1717 |
Johann Nikolaus | baptized | 10 Apr 1719 |
(source: register to the church-book of Horbach, written by Dietmar Meyer, Schopp)
3) Kerzenheim/Goellheim 1710
additional research results by Josef Plantz, Oct 2002:
"The first appearance of a Johannes Plantz are noticed in Goellheim/Kerzenheim church-books on 25 Jul 1710. This Johannes from Rettenberg in Allgaeu is a sponsor of Johannes Conrad Portener, whos parents Gallus Portener and Theresia
came from Allgaeu too. Johannes Plantz himself married Anna Magaretha Schwegler from Goellheim and I found six children they had baptized:
Matthias | 18 Nov 1714 | sponsors Matthias and Anna Maria Baden from Gundheimer Villa |
Anna Margaretha | 14 Feb 1717 | sponsors Anna Margaretha Lutzi and Antonia Schwegler from Goellheim and Kerzenheim |
Minorat | 12 Feb 1719 | sponsors Minorat Bresel and Anna Appolonia Lutzi from Kerzenheim |
Georg Michael | 30 Apr 1721 | sponsors Georg Held, Michael Schwegler and Anna Margaretha Bresel |
Johann Balthasar | 06 Jun 1723 | sponsors Johannes Conrad Schwegler and Balthasar Blantz from Goellheim and ??? |
Peter | ......1726 | sponsors Peter Gayer and Anna Margaretha Schwegler |
Johann Martin Blantz married Barbara Sonneck from Rockenhausen in 1721. He was the son of Martin Blantz and his wife Anna Maria from Hindelang/Allgaeu. Barbara Sonneck was the daughter from Johann and Anna Maria Sonneck. Witnesses:
Johannes Blantz from Kerzenheim and Johannes Matin Sonneck from Goellheim.
I found 3 children of Johann Martin and Barbara Blantz:
Andreas | 03 Jul 1721 | sponsors Andreas Pattber, Allgaeu, region Rettenberg and Anna Margaretha Blanz, Kerzenheim |
Catharina Elisabetha | 29 Jun 1725 | sponsors Catharina Hibbert from Sulzberg, Allgaeu and Anna Elisabetha Waelder from Kerzenheim and Josef Blanz, son of Martin Blanz from region Rettenberg in Allgaeu |
Johann Michael | 29 Jan 1728 | sponsors Johann Michael Wittmann, son of Johannes Wittmann, region Rettenberg, Allgaeu and Michael Philipp, son of Matthias Philipp, dto. and Margaretha Catharina Saxmann, daughter of Johannes Peter Saxmann, from Goellheim. |
The brothers John, Martin and Joseph Plantz are all from Vorderhindelang and after the edition of the chronicle of Ulrich Berktold in 2008 they are assigned to the former house number 19.
Matthias Plantz married Anna Maria Ostwald from Biedesheim in 1737. Witnesses: Conrad Schwegler, Goellheim and Josef Plantz, Ramsen and Allgaeu.
Josef Plantz married Maria Catharina Fischer from Ramsen in 1745. She was the daughter of Noe Fischer from Ramsen. Witnesses: Johann Stefan Gerhard from Stauff, Martin Plantz from Goellheim, Noe Fischer from Ramsen and Johann Schermann, Allgaeu."
(the following by Alfons Pflanz)
Georg Michael Plantz married Maria Gertrud Blank in Winnweiler in 1747. It is known that the third generation had 4 boys in Potzbach between 1747 and 1758. The descendents from the Potzbach-Plantz settled in fifth and sixth generation in
Wuerzburg, Otterbach, Erfenbach, Potzbach, Landstuhl, Fehrbach/Pirmasens, Baumholder, Friedrichsthal/Saar, Koeln-Deutz and Euskirchen. In seventh generation there lived a teacher in Wuerzburg and Rimpar, a painter in Otterbach and the Plantz from
Erfenbach moved to Chicago/USA. In the eight generation 51 descendants from Georg Michael Plantz are known. They lived in Rodalben, Landau, Neustadt, Kaiserslautern, Otterbach, Ludwigshafen, Potzbach, Elverberg, Schneckenhausen, St.Ingbert, Winzeln,
Frankenthal(translator's note: Josef Plantz, not my line), Gossersweiler, Wartenberg and Elsaß/France.
4) Dirmstein 1733 (line of Josef Plantz-owner of this homepage)
main research results and text by Josef Plantz:
"On 17 Nov 1733 Johannes Philipp Plantz, a Roman-Catholic miller, married at Dirmstein the bricklayer's daughter Maria Ursula Nick (also Nigg). Her father Balthasar Nigg and her mother Anna Catharina came from Allgaeu and lived in Dirmstein
since 1701. Philipp Plantz and his wife Ursula let baptize 9 children between 1734 and 1754. They had 4 boys and 5 girls."
Early research noted the marriage of 3 daughters: One with Mr. Roos in Dirmstein, one with Erhart in Ramsen, and one with Witt in Dirmstein.
Only two of the 4 boys are known, Joseph Maria Plantz, born in Dirmstein 12 Jul 1751 and Franz Plantz, born in Dirmstein 27 Jul 1754(see Mörsch).
"Joseph Maria was a barrelmaker (cooper) and the chief of the wine-cellar of the bishop of Worms' cellar in Dirmstein. He also was a member of the community council. His wife Maria Elisabeth Krebs was born in Stolzenbergerhof 5 Sep 1751. Her family has been researched by
Hans Joachim Bumb (Hockenheim) back to 1667. The Krebs and the Bumb came from Juelich, Bergisches Land."
Two of Joseph Martin Plantz boys are known: Heinrich Plantz, born 2 Nov 1780, a barrelmaker too, who remained in Dirmstein. His brother Franz Philipp Plantz married in 1818 in Weisenheim/Sand. He was a baker and a farmer. Franz Philipp's daughters married Mr. Reichert and
the veterinaian Henrich. Two other daughters married Kreichgauer in Studernheim. One Kreichgauer daughter married the school-principal Kreuter from Oggersheim, a great researcher of local history.
"My (Josef Plantz) ancestor Heinrich Plantz married Catharina Uhrig from Wiesoppenheim 28 Jun 1808. Her father was Carl Joseph Uhrig and her mother Catharina Weichlinger. Heinrich and Catarina's son Karl Josef Philipp Plantz, born 11 Feb 1812 in Dirmstein, became a
barrelmaker too and married Katharina Spielmann from Dackenheim on 24 Nov 1841. Her father was Georg Spielmann and her mother Eva Magdalena, born Spreng from Neuleiningen.
Their second son Georg Plantz, born 3 Nov 1855 married Margarethe Mueller from Heppenheim an der Wiese on 21 Dec 1898. The descendents family Goetz and family Kuhn still live there.
On 20 Sep 1842 Josef Plantz III., their first son, was born in Dirmstein. He also learned the profession of barrelmaker to continue the family-buisiness. On 23 Apr 1874 he married Juliane Kraemer in Weisenheim am Berg. They had 5 children:
Philipp Plantz was a grain-trader at Frankenthal, Paris and Antwerp, Belgium. He died very early without having married.
Peter Plantz also didn't marry.
Karl Plantz, the third son, married Anna Goger from Fußgönnheim. They had three children. Karl and Eugen, both died in World War II and a daughter Lydia, married Philipp Selinger in Dannstadt.
Christine Plantz, the only daughter from Josef Plantz III. married the brickworks owner Matthias Ertel from Westhofen, moving to Mainz before World War II. She had 10 children, all living with their descendents in the Mainz/Wiesbaden area.
Josef Plantz IV., my grandfather, was the youngest child. He was born on 18 Sep 1890 in Dirmstein. He became a baker and bought a bakery in Beindersheim in 1920. The same year he married Lenchen Goger from Fußgönnheim, a sister of his brother's wife.
My grandparents only had one son: Philipp Plantz, born 5 Apr 1927, a baker like his father. He married Maria Weinmann from Eppstein in 1952. I'm the eldest son (Josef Plantz V.) and I've a brother Manfred living in Munich. In 1980 I married Margit Gruber from Sinsheim.
Her family came after World War II from Bohemia and Moravia to Sinsheim/Baden. We have two children: Juliane and Lukas Plantz."
5) Lohnsfeld 1740
In the records of the Catholic church at Winnweiler is recorded the baptism of Georg Martin Plantz on 6 Jun 1740. He was born in Lohnsfeld and his father was Matthias Plantz. His Godfather was Martin Plantz from Goellheim. In 1958 there was still living a Plantz family in
6) Dannstadt 1759
The bricklayer and farmer Michael Blanz, born 30 Aug 1726 in Sulzberg near Kempten/Allgaeu married Margarethe Renner in Dannstadt on 29 May 1759. He was at the time 32 years old and his religion was Roman Catholic. His father Johannes Blanz, born 8 Jul 1684 lived at
Sulzberg, where he also died. Michael Blanz had 2 male and 5 female descendents. 2 of the girls died in childhood. The 3 other daughters married later on Effler, Keller and Drißer. The eldest son Peter married in Dannstadt in 1792. the other son Kaspar Blanz
married Barbara Kaes from Roedersheim. He was a bricklayer at Dannstadt. In the third generation 3 boys and 3 girls were born. One daughter married a farmer named Becker. The son Michael Blanz followed his father's profession as a bricklayer and married Maria Katharine Becker
in Dannstadt in 1840. They had 10 girls and 4 boys. 7 children died very early. The surviving girls married Becker, Clauß, Leibel, Lutz and Drißler. 3 boys, one a bricklayer and one a farmer continued the line.The fifth generation included 4 girls and 6 boys
out of these 3 families. One daughter married Johannes Braun. 4 of the boys founded families in Dannstadt. These marriages brought 12 males and 10 females. The female descendents married Weinacht, Becker and Hery. One girl became a nun. One boy became a Catholic priest and
5 other boys married. In the seventh generation there are 6 boys and one girl. One boy is married and two girls are married to a Muy and a Schwarz.
7) Tiefenthal/Oggersheim 1766
The stonemason Josef Pflantz (also Planz) settled in Tiefenthal near Neuleiningen by marrying Maria Barbara Wasner on 14 Sep 1766. The church records say he came from Allgaeu. Research of the Dannstadt Blanz provided the connection to the Tiefenthal Planz. This Josef Pflantz
was born at Sulzberg/Allgaeu on 11 Mar 1729 and he was a brother of the Dannstadt Michael Blanz. In Sulzberg first Blanz/Planz are recorded in 1457 (source 7). On 25 Jul 1784 Josef Pflantz married a second time in Neuleiningen with Maria Eva Gaub. He died in 1801 and had 2
Johannes | 13 Jan 1786 | in Tiefenthal |
Apollonia | 23 Dez 1788 | in Tiefenthal |
After the death of Josef Pflantz his son Johannes moved to Aulendiebach in Upper-Hessen, where he had 2 sons:
Johannes | 09 Jan 1810 |
Peter | 17 Dez 1812 |
The daughter of Josef Pflantz, Apollonia, married on 21 Nov 1810 in Oggersheim the farmer Franz Anton Linck.
An epidemic took parents of Johannes and Peter in Aulendiebach in 1814, so both children came to live with their aunt in Oggersheim. Both are the progenitors of Oggersheimer Pflanz families.
Johannes Pflanz, shoemaker and landlord, born 9 Jan 1810 in Aulendiebach, married first Katharina Süß (1839) and second Felizitas Lacroix (1850) in Dannstadt. The first marriage brought 3 boys and 4 girls, the second 6 boys and 3 girls. 8 of these 16
children died in childhood and 4 boys emmigrated to the USA. The girls married Heim, Ritter and Wirth. The son Martin hasn't been researched. Franz, born 4 Nov 1851, a farmer, butcher and adjunct stayed in his native country. He married on 27 Apr 1876 Katharina Drißler in
Dannstadt. 7 girls and 4 boys were born, but 8 children died after their birth. A daughter married the teacher Maginot, the other a teacher too, married Cammissar
(* addition).
Franz Pflanz, a butcher, born 10 Mar 1884, married in 1908 Elisabeth Gerlich from Speyer. His son Kurt Hugo Pflanz,
a bankhouse-trader, born 18 Aug 1910, lived in Speyer. With his wife Elisabeth Emilie he had 2 boys, Georg and Kurt.
Peter Pflanz, a weaver and farmer, born 17 Dec 1812 in Aulendiebach ( the second progenitor of Oggersheim Pflanz) married on 01 Dez 1836 Catarine Poigné from Oggersheim. They had 5 sons, born in 1837, 1838, 1843, 1847 and 1855. The youngest boy emigrated to the USA. Three girls married
Sachs, Grüßer and Stauder. In the third generation 4 marriages brought 12 boys and 5 girls. 11 Pflanzes founded families; one moved to Studernheim. The girls married Risselbrand, Trauth, Herle, Fahlbusch and Haißer. In the fourth generation there lived 18 Pflanz in
Oggersheim. The female Pflanzes married Kurz, Blum, Sailer, Gilch, Krug, Löscher, Degenbeck, Hafner, Bichler, Fischer, Witz and Gleixner. In this generation one Pflanz moved to the USA and one to Frankenthal. In the fifth generation 16 boys and 16 girls are registered (1958).
* Mr. Henri Cammisar, living in Switzerland, sent an addition by e-mail:
Katharina Pflanz (1880 - 1952) and her husband Aloys Cammisar (1879 - 1962) had four children.
Aloys | (1904 - 1911) |
Walter | (1907 - 1983) |
Erich | (1910 - 1914) |
Hermann, Dr. | (1914 - 1942) |
Walter Cammisar had two daughters: Christel und Jutta, who married Mr. Hofmann and moved to Switzerland.
8) Niedernhausen an der Appel 1761
About 1761 the farmer Nikolaus Planz was born in Niederhausen an der Appel and died there on 9 Jun 1821. His parents were Johannes Planz and Veronika Schultz. He had the protestant religion. He married Maria Heintz and they had 3 sons and 2 daughters. The youngest son died in childhood.
His son Heinrich Peter Planz, a linenweaver, married Elise Runkel. Their only son Jakob (born 27 Jan 1843) emigrated to the USA.
The older son of Nikolaus Planz, Johann Jakob ( 1798-1869) married Elise Becker. 2 of 3 children Johann Jakob had, remained in Niederhausen. His son Peter had 9 children ( born between 1848 and 1864) and all emigrated to the USA. The farmer Karl Planz married Frederike Fischer in 1861.
They had 2 sons and 2 daughters.
9) Becherbach (also: Kirnbecherbach ( Koblenz county) about 1766
Kirnbecherbach lays outside the Palatinate, but close to their northern limits. The buriel records of Meisenheim report from Daniel Pflantz, buried on 11 Jan 1816. This Daniel Pflantz was born in Kirnbecherbach about 1766. He was married to Elisabeth Kreuscher and lived in Meisenheim.
Daniel's father Peter Pflantz, a farmer, lived with his wife Rosina Schneider in Kirnbecherbach. Daniel and Elisabeth Pflantz had one son, Peter, born in Meisenheim in 1799. He married Elisabeth Magarethe Blum on 2 Aug 1804 in Hundsbach. In the fourth generation there living 6 sons in
Hundsbach, Baden-Baden and Halberstadt. In the fifth generation there are several Pflantz in Hundsbach, one moved to Düsseldorf and one to Traben-Trabach. The Pflantz in the next generations live in Hundsbach, Düsseldorf, Kallenfels, Bochum and Schwelm.
See also: Robert C. Plantz at this homepage: "Emigration to the USA". Newer results (2014) are documenting, that Johann Nickel Pflantz, grandfather of Becherbacher Pflantz comes from Rhaunen.
10) Mörsch near Frankenthal 1779
Franz Plantz, the mayor of Mörsch was born in Dirmstein 27 Jul 1754 and died in Kleinkarlbach 8 Feb 1833. He married Maria Anna Schön from Wiesoppenheim. Maria Anna died in 1822 in Kleinkarlbach. They had four boys and three girls.
"An article about his time as mayor of Mörsch, published in Frankenthal newspaper, is in my possession. - J. Plantz, owner of the homepage"
His oldest son Joseph Plantz, a farmer, was born on 20 Sep 1779 in Mörsch. He married Gertraud Morstätter 30 Jan 1816 in Bobenheim am Berg. She was a daughter of a court-writer and a member of the church-council. They settled in Dackenheim. Three following generations stayed in
Dackenheim. A gr-gr-grandchild married to Freinsheim and fell in World War II. In 1958 still a girl and a boy of this Plantz lives in Freinsheim.
Johannes Plantz born about 1786 in Mörsch married in Battenberg. He had 8 children, but only the kids from his oldest son Plantz, born 12 Jun 1818, are still living there. Franz had one son (1847) and one daughter (1856). In the next generation there lived 5 followers in Battenberg.
11) Schneckenhausen near Kaiserslautern 1800
Johann Jakob Planz, born 10 Mar 1800 in Schneckenhausen, married Barbara Julier in Essingen near Landau on 06 Jan 1829. They had 2 daughters, born in 1834 and 1837. The oldest daughter had a son Jakob Planz, born on 15 Dez 1853. He married two times and died in Pirmasens in 1930. His son
Philipp Planz, born 15 March 1884 in Pirmasens, married Ida Kolb. They had four sons still living in Pirmasens-area (1958).
12) Ludwigshafen and Eisenberg 1936 to 1956
Settlement of Blanz/ Pflanz in recent times:
1. Blanz, Kurt gardener, born 28 May 1905 in Frankfurt, married Elise Katharine Arnold in Ludwigshafen/Oppau in 1936. His father and grandfather came from Cannstadt. He had one son and one daughter.
2. Pflanz, Fritz trading-agent, born 24 Jun 1896 in Königsberg, married to Elise Gräter, settled after World War II in Ludwigshafen.
3. Pflanz, Friedrich teacher and translator, born 27 Mar 1908 in Remscheid, settled first in Pirmasens then in Eisenbeg.
I think it's a fact that all settlements in the Palatinate of Blanz/Pflanz/Plantz occurred during the resettlement of the area. The first settlers were manual-workers, but also farmers, wine-makers and millers. Perhaps the overpopulation in their homelands was a reason for moving, but the economic opportunities in new area were also a reason. Remarkable in the movement from the city Sulzberg/Allgaeu, where surely three ancestors of Blanz/Pflantz came from, is the movement of all the other families from Sulzberg to the Palatinate too. The families Birckmann,
Finck and Steiner moved from Sulzberg to Landau/Palatinate. When settlers came to their new homeland, there was an increase in their tribe's numbers, but also some decrease. In recent times there are also fewer numbers of the families registered.
At last, I want to say thank you to Eduard Pflanz, a shoe-dealer in Landsberg/Lech, a familyresearcher, who helped me very extensively, and thank you to the teacher Friedrich Blanz from Koenigsbach for his help.
1) Karl Kollnig "Das Wiederaufbauwerk Karl Ludwigs nach dem 30-jährigen Krieg", Kerle Verlag, Heidelberg, 1949
2) Ernst Drumm "Die Einwanderung Tiroler Bauhandwerker in das linke Rheingebiet 1660-1730", schriften zur Zweibrücker Landesgeschichte Nr.6, 1950
3) Pfälzische Heimatblätter "Lutheraner in der Kurpfalz", 7/1955
5) Otto Lindemer "Einwanderung in die Herrschaft Sickingen, Amt Landstuhl, um 1700", in Pfälzische Familien- und Wappenkunde Nr.1 u.2 1955, Nr.6, 1956
6) Julius Richter "Handbuch der Amerikakunde"
7) Dr. Dr. Weitnauer "Alte Allgäuer Geschlechter", Band 7: Das Rotenfelser Urbar und Leuteverzeichnis von 1451; Band 8: Das Lehenbuch des Fürstlichen Stifts
Kempten von 1451; Otto Oeschelhäuser Verlag, Kempten
8) Karl Kreuter "Einwanderer aus der Schweiz", in: Stadtanzeiger Ludwigshafen, Nr.47, November 1956
9) Heinrich Julius Keller "Mein Heimatbuch", 1955
10) Kurt Baumann "Bayern und die Pfalz in den Jahren 1214-1803", in: Pfälzische Heimatblätter, April 1956.